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Writer's pictureFelipe Antunes

Advertisement for a new restaurant: first steps and how to scale your business

Entrepreneurship is not an easy path. Many may think that it is a great way to earn a lot of money and “be your own boss”, but the truth is that dealing with demanding customers and market competition requires a lot of expertise, study, and skill. However, there are several tips that you can follow in the first few months to help your business succeed.

As soon as you open a new restaurant or bar it is important to advertise a lot on social media even before the opening. In addition, there are still many strategies for you to boost your growth in its first months of existence. And it was with this in mind that we wrote this article full of tips for you. Let’s go?

Channels of advertisement for a new restaurant

See now the main channels for advertisement for a new restaurant!

  • Campaigns: display banners on your customer's devices when they access your network. You can inform news, drinks, dishes, and events. This is an interesting way to sell more to customers at your bar or restaurant.

  • E-mail Marketing: with the e-mail of your customers, you will be able to create e-mail marketing actions. Thus, you can inform new dishes or drinks, send special discounts, and invite the customer to return to your bar or restaurant. It is also possible to direct communication according to the customer's behaviour. For example, you can send a beer discount to those visitors who have been away for more than a month without going to your establishment.

  • Social Media: like and share the page on Facebook. This is a way to automate the invitation for your customers to engage with you on this social network. First, don't forget to create interesting content and interact with your customers on this platform!

  • Sponsored ad lists: Sponsored ads are a great way to maintain communication with your customer or visitor. Second, it is a very effective way to increase sales. Whether on Google or some social network, it is possible to import the data you have to create very assertive targeted lists.

Marketing tips for advertising your new restaurant

Now that you know which channels you have to use, look at some marketing strategies you can adopt!

Create a complete digital presence

Your customer needs to be able to find you on all relevant digital channels. Facebook, Instagram, and Google are the key points of contact for you to start thinking about your digital presence.

Invest in creating an institutional website, where customers can get more information about your restaurant. Take the opportunity to complete your profile on Google My Business, Google's free business page.

You can even make your presence even more complete by positioning your business on Waze, setting up ad campaigns on Google Ads, and even buying media on specialized channels.

Give your menu easy access

Anyone who visits your website or page on social networks will certainly want to take a look at the menu. Make a good presentation with attractive photos and highlight your best dishes and drinks to attract customers' attention.

Invest in your visual identity

The visual identity aims to connect your brand with customers. In other words, it is an extension of your restaurant to materials, both printed and digital.

The best of all worlds is to create a visual identity to be used in all communications, as well as within the restaurant itself.

With this, you can make customers feel familiar with your brand from the moment they enter your website to when they sit at the table to view the menu inside your restaurant.

Invest in Referral Marketing

Your page on the social network talking about how delicious your cuisine is not so effective. That's because people like to hear other people's opinions, especially when it comes to gastronomy.

That is why referral marketing strategies are so important. In addition to validating your brand with the voice of satisfied customers, they will also receive benefits to advertise your restaurant. Both leave satisfied, and you will still gain the attention of new potential customers.

Create digital discount coupons

Discount coupons are a well-established strategy, but not everyone knows how to operate.

This type of sale encourages the customer to buy a cheaper offer, but with a pre-defined term or condition. That is, selling discount coupons for days when the movement is low is a great way to sell more on a weak day.

Create a blog for your restaurant

It may seem strange for a blog to talk about your restaurant, right? In addition to helping to promote it on Google, you can also create specific content to attract people's attention.

Your blog can be your cookbook, where you teach customers how to cook their favourite dishes. Of course, the gastronomy made at home will never be the same as that produced by the professionals of your restaurant, so do not be afraid to disclose to your customers, who will feel even closer to your brand when consuming this type of content.

Leave the marketing for the specialists and focus on the management strategies for your business. Contact us and get a quote!


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